Ruta Histórica Buenavista del Norte

El Ayuntamiento de Buenavista del Norte, a través de su Oficina de Turismo y con la colaboración de la Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias oferta el proyecto: Programa de Itinerarios Culturales Turísticos en Buenavista del Norte.

Se trata de un completo programa de 25 rutas por el casco histórico y la costa del municipio. Las actividades que son gratuitas se ofertarán en español, inglés y alemán. De la conducción de las mismas se encargará la entidad especializada El Cardón NaturExperience.

Las rutas están dirigidas a todas aquellas personas que quieran conocer el patrimonio, la historia, las tradiciones y la naturaleza de Buenavista del Norte. El punto de encuentro para cada actividad será la Oficina de Información Turística del municipio.

Aunque las rutas son gratuitas, es imprescindible la reserva previa a través de esta web. 

De manera general la ruta ofertada es la Ruta por el casco histórico, con una duración de 2,5 horas y dificultad baja.

De manera excepcional, en idioma español, en los meses de verano se oferta la Ruta teatralizada por el casco histórico y costa, con una duración de 3 horas y dificultad también baja. Las fechas de esta rutas especiales son el 8 de junio (ruta de las 10 de la mañana), 21 de julio, 25 de agosto y 29 de septiembre.

Además la actividad del 8 de junio estará adaptada a diversidad de público al contar con servicio de intérprete de signos y sillas especiales para personas con movilidad reducida.

Historical Route Buenavista del Norte

Buenavista del Norte’s local town hall presents, through its Touristic Office, the project ‘Touristic Cultural Routes’ Program of Buenavista del Norte’ with the collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands.

The program consists of 25 routes along the historic center and the coast of the town. All the activities are free of charge and will be offered in Spanish, English, and German respectively. As a hiking-specialized company, El Cardón NaturExperience will be in charge of the program.

The routes are directed to all those people with the aim of discovering the patrimony, history, traditions, and nature of Buenavista del Norte. The meeting point for each of the routes will be the Touristic Information Office of the town.

Even though the routes are free of charge, it is indispensable to book them in advance through this webpage. This ‘Route by the city center’ is of low difficulty level, and it generally has an approximate duration of 2,5 hours.

Exceptionally, during the summer the ‘Historical Route of Buenavista del Norte’ will have a larger length, resulting in 3 hours of easy walk this time only available in Spanish. The dates for these special routes are the 8th of June (route at 10 a.m.), 21st of July 25th of August, and 29th of September.

Moreover, the activity fixed for the 8th of June will be adapted for every public, with the collaboration of sign language interpreters and joëlette wheelchairs for people with reduced mobility.

Historische Stadtführung Buenavista del Norte

Buenavista del Norte’s local town hall presents, through its Touristic Office, the project ‘Touristic Cultural Routes’ Program of Buenavista del Norte’ with the collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands.

The program consists of 25 routes along the historic center and the coast of the town. All the activities are free of charge and will be offered in Spanish, English, and German respectively. As a hiking-specialized company, El Cardón NaturExperience will be in charge of the program.

The routes are directed to all those people with the aim of discovering the patrimony, history, traditions, and nature of Buenavista del Norte. The meeting point for each of the routes will be the Touristic Information Office of the town.

Even though the routes are free of charge, it is indispensable to book them in advance through this webpage. This ‘Route by the city center’ is of low difficulty level, and it generally has an approximate duration of 2,5 hours.

Exceptionally, during the summer the ‘Historical Route of Buenavista del Norte’ will have a larger length, resulting in 3 hours of easy walk this time only available in Spanish. The dates for these special routes are the 8th of June, 21st of July, 25th of August, and 29th of September.

Moreover, the activity fixed for the 8th of June will be adapted for every public, with the collaboration of sign language interpreters and joëlette wheelchairs for people with reduced mobility.

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